A great selection of books about school: It plays a big part in their lives! School is a hot topic for young readers, and Leveled Reader has some fantastic books that kids will be eager to pick up. You'l find books for kids at all reading levels. Here are some of our favorites. We're sure they will soon be your favorites too! Mouse Loves School, level C-D When Mouse climbs inside a red backpack, he never expects to end up at school! But soon he's loving it. Max and Mo's First Day at [Read More]
Leveled Book News
Spring is Here!
Fresh spring books for growing readers: Spring is the season for planting gardens, watching baby animals grow, playing outside, and finding bugs. Leveled Reader has a variety of enticing spring books at various reading levels. Take a look at these picks for your young readers. Lots of families plant gardens in the spring. Seed to Plant (L-M) is a beautiful nonfiction reader that explains where plants come from and how they grow. The bright, clear photos in this book nicely illustrate the [Read More]