A great selection of books about school: It plays a big part in their lives! School is a hot topic for young readers, and Leveled Reader has some fantastic books that kids will be eager to pick up. You'l find books for kids at all reading levels. Here are some of our favorites. We're sure they will soon be your favorites too! Mouse Loves School, level C-D When Mouse climbs inside a red backpack, he never expects to end up at school! But soon he's loving it. Max and Mo's First Day at [Read More]
Leveled Readers News
New Books for Summer Reading
Kids will love reading these new books this summer! Leveled Reader has some fantastic new selections for young readers to dive into over the warm summer months. You'll find fun and exciting new books from level G through level M. A wide variety of topics will ensure that there is something to please every reader. Our new G-H-I set has some favorite familiar characters that are making the move from picture books to readers. These include Worm, from Diary of a Worm, Charlie the Ranch Dog, and [Read More]
Friendly Leveled Readers
Leveled Readers with a friendship theme During February our thoughts turn to love and friendship. Here at LeveledReader.com we have an abundance of leveled readers about friendship and relationships. Here is sampling of some of our most popular ones. In level A-B we have Robot, Go Bot!, a "comic reader" about a friendship between a girl and a robot, and how they work through a misunderstanding. The same set, A-B 5, contains Play With Blue, a simple story told in a few words and expressive [Read More]