The basics of the Common Core Standards reading:
Here is a quick overview of the basic areas the Common Core Reading Standards cover. Standards are categorized into: Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, and Range and Level of Complexity.
In the Key Ideas and Details area, children will carefully read a variety of books and texts. As they read, they will be working to understand what happens. They will learn to summarize key points or events, and to recall important details about the topic or story.
The Craft and Structure area or “strand” focuses on specifics, such as an author’s word choice. Also covered is the understanding of the underlying structure of common types of texts.
In Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, students work on comparing and contrasting details from different stories, describing key ideas in informational text. They also learn to tell how two texts on the same topic differ from one another.
To meet the Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity, students will read a variety of types of books, such as a mix of fiction, nonfiction, infographics, poetry, and more. They will also read a variety of books that both support and challenge their reading level. The ultimate goal here is to make sure children understand what they are reading as they tackle these different types of text.
Foundational Skills standards are designed to build students’ understanding and working knowledge of concepts of print, the alphabetic principle, and other basic conventions. These cover the mechanics of reading, including phonological awareness, phonics, word recognition and fluency.
Leveled Reader offers a range and variety of books that can help teachers and parents address the Common Core Standards for Reading.