Learning to love reading with leveled readers
Leveled readers are books that help students practice and reinforce skills while encouraging a love of reading. Leveled readers are given a reading level based on several characteristics. For a Guided Reading Level, books are given an A through Z level based on difficulty, determined by evaluating several factors. These factors include sentence structure and length, length of words, complexity of letter-sound patterns, story elements, vocabulary, length of text and use of language.
Students are assessed and given a reading level. They are then matched with leveled books that are at their instructional reading level, which means they are not difficult enough to cause frustration, but they are challenging enough that the child progresses in their reading ability, and the book maintains their interest.
At LeveledReader.com we select books that are written by the best children’s authors. These books are of the highest quality and children will find them interesting and entertaining. We don’t carry books that were written specifically to the leveling criteria. This makes the task of determining the level of some books a little harder, but we believe it’s worth the effort to bring your kids the very best children’s literature.
LeveledReader.com makes it possible for teachers and parents to provide books of exceptional quality that kids love to read.