It is Women in History Month. There are so many famous women in history to consider. One who comes to mind is Florence Nightingale…..and that reminds me that nurses are taught the five “R’s” as a way to avoid medication administration errors: right patient, right time and frequency, right dose, right route, and right medication.
Well, when you think of it, the same can apply to elementary school age readers. To set the stage for success, you must provide the right book to the right child at the right time as well as the right encouragement at the right intervals.
Studies show that when the right book is read at the right time, a child chooses to read more. They become motivated to read more and with more practice, the child increases comprehension. You can see the beginning of a success story in the making. And how satisfying is that for the teacher, parent, or other person interested in the child?!
Along with knowing the reading level and other details about the child in your life, as teachers and parents, the time set aside to learn what your child is interested in is important in choosing books. A goal of Leveled Reader is to collaborate with you through our blog and through the way we level our books, helping you choose that right book at the right time.
Perhaps next time we can talk more about study results regarding improving reading test scores, motivating a student, and the things teachers and parents can do to positively influence the children in their lives. For now, just knowing that a student’s ability to understand text is crucial to reading success—and success in general–in later years is enough to inspire us to help in any way we can.
Keeping in mind the five “R’s”, things we can do might include letting the child help in choosing their books, talking to the child about what they are reading, setting aside at least 15-20 minutes a day for reading or being read to, and developing an incentive program.
Since boys tend to be less motivated, let’s see what books Lily can recommend….like “Rafi and Rosi”, a story about a brother and sister Puerto Rican tree frogs with a little science and an introduction to Spanish woven throughout. The secrets of Rafi’s magic and a Spanish glossary are included following the story. Or how about “Pirate School”, “Me Oh, Maya, A Time Warp Trio”, or “If I Had a Robot Dog”. Let Lily and the Leveled Reader team of educators and other experts know how we can be of assistance.
“There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of all.” Jacqueline Kennedy.