Melvin Beederman, Superhero: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Underpants by Greg Trine, leveled books O-P The members of the Bad Guy Brotherhood- Goofball McCluskey, Max the Wonder Thug, and Calamity Wayne- are at it again. They've broken out of jail and they're coming after Melvin Beederman. This time they are building a time machine and they're determined to get rid of Melvin before he becomes a superhero. You will also enjoy the other titles in the superfunny Melvin Beederman, Superhero series: The Curse of the Bologna Sandwich, Invasion From Planet Dork, and Attack of the Valley Girls.
Author: Greg Trine
Binding Type: Paperback
Fiction/Non-Fiction: Fiction
Leveled Group: O-P
Age Level: 8-10
Grade: 3rd - 4th