Drop It, Rocket! by Tad Hills, Leveled Books E-F
Meet Rocket, the endearing dog from the popular picture book How Rocket Learned to Read, and his teacher, the little yellow bird. Rocket is looking for new words to put on his word tree. He finds some interesting things, but when he finds a boot, he doesn't want to put it down. This book, with its simple vocabulary, predictable patterns, repetition, and charmingly simple illustrations will have new readers asking for more.
Use this high-interest reader to meet Common Core Standard CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.1.4.C: Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.
Author: Tad Hills
Binding Type: Paperback
Fiction/Nonfiction: Fiction
Leveled Group: E-F
Age Level: 5-7
Grade: K-1